Proud to support local talent



I was really happy to win Noumea Open Youth C category in October 2022 for boulder, speed and lead. I loved the lead wall especially as it was really big and it was my first time leading in a competition.

In January I was really proud to lead 1080 and the letter G (23) in Takaka.  I didn’t get it clean but I got through the first tricky sequence to 4th bolt before having a rest, and I was super happy to get to the top.   The climb in Takaka I did get clean that I was proud of, was R for Ranger D for Danger 21.  It was a little bit scary but I just kept going. 


One of my best achievements this year has been Skiing Off A Convex Slope (25) in Takaka in January.  I had to really work this climb to get the send, specifically getting through the semi iron cross move.  

Last weekend I climbed Melting Point (25) at the Jane Fonda Wall in the Port Hills.  I really enjoyed this climb because it was long, and had a wide variety of moves with all the types of holds you could ever want. It had two difficult sequences at the top and some fun knee bars.


I am proud of coming 3rd in the Lead Competition Youth B late last year at the Noumea Open.  

Also in April this year I climbed The Sentinel (25).  It was a good achievement because I had to figure out a sequence that worked for me.  The first half of the route was technical and powerful and I wasn't sure I would be able to get it clean.  I came back the next day after a rest and sent it.


Hi! My name is Dixie and I have been competitively climbing since 2018. Climbing has been and will always be such a big part of my life. 

Last year I had the opportunity to represent New Zealand overseas, at the Youth World Champs and the Noumea International competition. In May this year I competed in the Australia Nationals and in August I will be competing in South Korea for the Youth World Champs.